1 Full Day Study Skills Workshop for PSLE Students: “Accelerate: A Full Day Study Skills Marathon for PSLE Triumph“

Welcome to “Accelerate: A Full Day Study Skills Marathon for PSLE Triumph,” a comprehensive workshop designed to equip Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) students with the essential study skills needed to excel in their upcoming examination. The PSLE is a significant milestone in a student’s academic journey, marking the culmination of their primary school education and shaping their future educational pathways. As such, it is crucial for students to develop effective study habits, time management skills, and critical thinking abilities to succeed in this high-stakes examination.

In this full-day workshop, PSLE students will embark on a journey of academic discovery and skill-building, guided by experienced educators and facilitators dedicated to their success. Through a series of engaging activities, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, students will learn valuable study techniques and strategies tailored specifically to the demands of the PSLE syllabus. From mastering note-taking and comprehension skills to honing problem-solving abilities and test-taking strategies, students will acquire the tools they need to approach the PSLE examination with confidence and competence.

With a focus on fostering a growth mindset and promoting collaborative learning, “Accelerate” aims to empower PSLE students to take ownership of their learning journey and strive for excellence in all aspects of their academic pursuits. By the end of this workshop, students will emerge better equipped to tackle the challenges of the PSLE examination, armed with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to achieve success and unlock their full potential.


1. Equip PSLE students with effective time management strategies tailored to the demands of the PSLE examination, enabling them to allocate their study time efficiently and prioritize tasks effectively.

2. Provide comprehensive guidance on note-taking techniques and organizational skills to help PSLE students effectively organize study materials and revise content for the examination.

3. Foster critical reading and comprehension skills among PSLE students through targeted exercises and strategies, empowering them to analyze texts, extract key information, and answer comprehension questions with accuracy.

4. Develop problem-solving abilities in PSLE students by engaging them in interactive activities and exercises designed to enhance logical reasoning and analytical thinking skills.

5. Cultivate effective study habits and routines in PSLE students, emphasizing strategies for maintaining focus, managing distractions, and creating conducive study environments conducive to learning.

6. Teach PSLE students test-taking strategies and examination techniques specific to the PSLE format, including methods for managing time effectively, approaching different question types, and minimizing test anxiety.

7. Empower PSLE students to assess their own learning progress and identify areas for improvement, providing them with tools and resources to develop personalized study plans aligned with their individual strengths and weaknesses.

8. Instill a growth mindset in PSLE students, encouraging them to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and view mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.

9. Enhance PSLE students’ ability to effectively communicate ideas and concepts through written and verbal communication exercises, enabling them to express themselves clearly and confidently in examinations.

10. Provide guidance on effective study strategies for PSLE subjects, including Mathematics, Science, English, and Mother Tongue, tailored to the specific requirements and content of the PSLE syllabus.

11. Foster collaboration and peer support among PSLE students through group activities and discussions, encouraging them to share insights, strategies, and study tips with their peers.

12. Inspire PSLE students to take ownership of their learning and academic success, encouraging them to set realistic goals, stay motivated, and persevere in their efforts to achieve excellence in the PSLE examination.

As the “Accelerate: A Full Day Study Skills Marathon for PSLE Triumph” workshop draws to a close, we reflect on the journey of growth and learning that PSLE students have embarked upon throughout the day. With a newfound understanding of effective study techniques and strategies, students are better equipped to navigate the challenges of the PSLE examination and achieve success. From mastering time management to enhancing critical thinking skills, students have gained invaluable tools that will serve them not only in the PSLE but also in their future academic endeavors.

As facilitators, we are proud to have played a role in supporting PSLE students on their path to academic excellence. We commend students for their dedication and enthusiasm throughout the workshop, and we encourage them to continue applying the skills and strategies they have learned in their daily study routines. With perseverance, determination, and a growth mindset, we have no doubt that each student has the potential to achieve their goals and excel in the PSLE examination.

As PSLE students prepare to embark on the next chapter of their academic journey, we extend our best wishes for success and fulfillment. May they approach the PSLE examination with confidence, knowing that they have the knowledge, skills, and support they need to triumph. Let us celebrate the achievements of our young scholars and look forward to a future filled with endless possibilities.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$689.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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